Ruling on Buying and Selling Human Organs From The Perspective of Islamic Jurisprudence




Sentence, human organs, trading and organs graft


With the progress of science، a human organ graft is one of the newest achievement of medical has been entered in the field of human community. In the case of human organs graft trading and back-up the rights of member of society Islamic Jurist consults have been expressed their opinion based on their understanding of religious arguments which are summarized in to three categories.
First opinion: human organs graft and their speculating have been permitted under the special circumstance (according to the necessity patient healthcare they permitted it).
Second opinion: human organs graft and their speculating are absolutely illegal and unlawful. And it’s opposed to dignity of humanity and it is insult to human that (mutilation and outrage the human body).Third opinion: they permissible to graft the dead body organs in other people. But it’s illegal to trade the parts of human body living being.
After researching about title of trading parts of human bodies graft، we come to the conclusion that a large number of Islamic scientists are fully disagreeing. And most of them are absolutely agreed. And some of them has been moderated in the mention case. In this thesis، the sentence of trading human bodies graft is permitted according to the necessity and state patients living being. And reject and acceptance of above case. From the point of view of Jurist consults, the expressed their opinion according to Islamic Sharia verses.

Author Biography

Mohammad Omar Qarizada, Balkh University

Faculty member at the faculty of Sharia, Balkh University


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How to Cite

Qarizada, M. O. (2021). Ruling on Buying and Selling Human Organs From The Perspective of Islamic Jurisprudence. Diwan International Scientific and Research Journal, 2(1), 55–72.




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